


New Outlook Academy recently hosted a visit from o…

New Outlook Academy recently hosted a visit from our local US Army recruiter. He came in for a question and answer session and discussed how to join the military. Some of the topics they discussed included specific job and ranks, qualifications to join and the difference between active duty and reserves. Whether their future goals […]

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New Outlook Academy recently toured UPMC Presbyter…

New Outlook Academy recently toured UPMC Presbyterian Hospital. Our students visited the Pharmacy where UPMC makes great use of robots to sort and deliver various medications. They students also witnessed a live surgery using the DaVinci Intuitive robot. The girls then used a test robot to try… More

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There is no shortage of exciting things to do at t…

There is no shortage of exciting things to do at the Carnegie Science Center as our girls discovered during their recent visit. Making the most of every opportunity to experience learning and fun that are out of this world!

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Students at New Outlook Academy recently completed…

Students at New Outlook Academy recently completed their First Aid/CPR certification through the American Heart Association. We are very proud of the 18 students who passed the test and can add this accomplishment to their employment portfolio. β™₯️β™₯️

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The latest creation in the New Outlook Academy STE…

The latest creation in the New Outlook Academy STEAM lab will surely be a hit… cell phone stands!! The digital design and build was first completed on the laptop and then sent to the lab’s 3-D printer for production. Mackenzie proudly displays the stand that plans to give her grandmother… such a sweet idea!!!

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