


Once again, New Outlook Academy students spent Mem…

Once again, New Outlook Academy students spent Memorial Day morning placing flags on veteran graves at Highwood Cemetery! This annual community service project honors those who have given so much for the freedom that we all enjoy in our country. #thankyouveterans

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A new group of New Outlook Academy students recent…

A new group of New Outlook Academy students recently completed the Servsafe course which is a food and beverage safety training and certificate program administered by the National Restaurant Association. The program is accredited by ANSI and the Conference for Food Protection. Congratulations to these young ladies for expanding their career competencies. Being job-ready makes […]

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Two students from New Outlook Academy spoke at Moo…

Two students from New Outlook Academy spoke at Moon Area School District's recent SADD meeting. Mariah K. and Alexandra B. spoke in great detail about their past experiences, current situations and future endeavors. Their presentation captivated the attention of 100 students and teachers in the audience. They also participated in question and answer session where […]

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New Outlook Academy is thrilled to announce that w…

New Outlook Academy is thrilled to announce that we are one step closer to bringing competitive sports back to our school. Glenn Gutiereez has been working the girls to form a basketball team. After lots of hours of practice and development, the team participated in their first scrimmage against… More

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New Outlook Academy recently hosted a visit from o…

New Outlook Academy recently hosted a visit from our local US Army recruiter. He came in for a question and answer session and discussed how to join the military. Some of the topics they discussed included specific job and ranks, qualifications to join and the difference between active duty and reserves. Whether their future goals […]

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