


Good luck to the Summit basketball team as they ki…

Good luck to the Summit basketball team as they kick off their season tonight with a scrimmage at home again St. Joe’s. Let’s Go Knights!!!

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AWESOME ALUMNI ALERT!!!! We are so proud to highl…

AWESOME ALUMNI ALERT!!!! We are so proud to highlight Xzavier G. from Montgomery County who is continuing his education and athletic career at Lackawanna College. Xzavier is majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology and playing baseball for the Falcons! Way to go and keep up the great work!!!

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Summit Academy students continued their tradition …

Summit Academy students continued their tradition of participating in the Adopt-A-School Program at Valley High School. This phenomenal partnership allows our young men to speak to freshman students at the high school about their experiences and the life lessons that they have learned, particularly since enrolling at Summit Academy. Congratulations to these fine gentleman for […]

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Congratulations to these Summit Academy trade stud…

Congratulations to these Summit Academy trade students who passed the D1.1 flat plate welding certification! These young men are well on their way to acquiring the skills needed to open up a world of opportunity in the workforce. Making kids college and career ready at Summit Academy!!!

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Our Algebra 1A class is solving proportion problem…

Our Algebra 1A class is solving proportion problems using cross multiplication and the distributive property! Not sure if this is old or new math but looks like they are killing it at Summit Academy!!!

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