


New Outlook Academy is continuing its College with…

New Outlook Academy is continuing its College within the High School program through Allegheny County Community College! Classes currently being offered include Psychology 101 and Academic/Personal Development (SDS) 102. Psychology 101 provides students with an understanding of how the scientific method is applied to the study of human and animal behavior. SDS 102 is a […]

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Students from the The New Outlook Academy Bakery m…

Students from the The New Outlook Academy Bakery make our days a little “sweeter” when they share their delectable treats and their beautiful, proud smiles. Baking a little happiness in each and every class.

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Rylee Y. (Jefferson Co.) showing off the pencil ho…

Rylee Y. (Jefferson Co.) showing off the pencil holder that she designed and created using the STEAM Lab 3-D printer. It is now proudly displayed on her desk in her room for all to see!! New Outlook Academy education and innovation… #nolimits.

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New Outlook Academy students are volunteering thei…

New Outlook Academy students are volunteering their time and talents, crocheting Joey Pouches that will be collected and sent to Australia to contribute to relief efforts from recent devastating fires. Joey Pouches are designed to keep baby Kangaroos alive when they cannot live in their mother's pouch. Ashant'e L (Westmoreland Co) and Haleigh S. (Erie) […]

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